You may cancel your Account for any reason within thirty (7) calendar days of your initial purchase and you will receive a full refund of the amount you paid (“Money Back Guarantee”).
Refunds beyond the 7-day purchase window will be considered, at the sole discretion of DIgeVPN, if a Subscriber can demonstrate that the Services were not available or usable during the subscription period and that reasonable attempts were made to contact DIgeVPN to resolve the issue. In this case, DIgeVPN may provide the Subscriber with a pro-rata refund of Service fees paid during the period when the Service was not available or usable.
Refunds are generally processed within seven (3) days, and are made to the original form of payment used for purchase. All refunds are sent in USD and therefore the refund amount could differ from the amount originally paid in local currency or Bitcoin (e.g., due to foreign exchange and processing charges linked to your method of payment).
Any change to the original purchase, such as upgrading to an extended billing term or purchasing of additional licenses under the same Account, shall constitute a waiver of the Money Back Guarantee option. To request a refund under the Money Back Guarantee, send an email with your request to the following email address: contact@digelive.com
Users whose subscriptions are billed as an in-app purchase through the A-S do not have access to the DIgeVPN 7-day Money Back Guarantee. Instead, users can request refunds through the A-S, which are issued solely at the discretion of App Support.